![[PLAYGROUND] Exhibition Installation view, Shinny Young’s artworks 9.jpeg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2d7543_347cddcbc89346e3aeef9e7cf0dec54d~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_667,h_500,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/2d7543_347cddcbc89346e3aeef9e7cf0dec54d~mv2.jpeg)
C Art는 내곡동 고즈넉한 공간에서 Shiny Young의 첫 개인전 [PLAYGROUND]를 개최합니다.
Shiny Young에게 예술은 현실에서 자신의 부족함과 어려움을 채워주고 위로해줄 상상 속 친구들과 함께하는 놀이입니다. 작가가 만들어낸 개성 넘치고 따뜻한 감성을 지닌 캐릭터들이 들려주는 일상의 이야기를 담은 이번 전시에 여러분을 초대합니다.
본 전시는 자연을 품은 전원주택에서 예술을 만나는 프라이빗 라운지 컨셉입니다. 서울 끝자락에서 다과와 함께 여유로운 만남을 기대합니다.
잘 먹고 잘 쉬기, 하고 싶은 말하기, 아이처럼 놀기, 마음의 평화, 행복한 일상..
늘 원하지만 마음대로 되지 않는 것들이다. 하지만 이러한 것들이 실제로는 어려워도 마음속 히어로 친구들과 함께 상상속에서는 얼마든지 가능하다. 난 그동안 나만의 히어로 친구들과 함께 위로받으며 시간을 보내왔다. 친구들이 나에게 건네는 말로 힘을 얻고 있는 것처럼 답답하고 힘든 일상에 위로와 응원이 필요한 친구들에게 힘이 되었으면 하는 마음으로 Shiny Young이 만들어낸 귀엽고 사랑스런 능력자 친구들을 세상에 소개한다.
일상에 지치고 힘들때마다 나타나 긍정적으로 생각할 수 있게 도와주고 마음의 평화나 소소한 즐거움을 찾아 함께 놀아주는 내 마음속 히어로 친구들이다.
- 마스크 보이: 가면을 쓰면 힘이 솟아나는 귀엽던 꼬마. 이 친구는 행복한 추억으로 소환하는 능력이 있음. 曰: ‘재밌게 놀자!’
- 블루 마스크: 마스크 보이의 히어로 버전. 풍선귀로 날아다닐 수 있음. 상상속에서 놀게 해주는 친구. 曰: ‘뭘 하고싶어?’
- 장군님: 늘 칭찬과 충성을 맹세하는 친구. 曰: ‘잘했어!’, ‘최고야!’
- 왕눈이: 일상의 평화와 안정을 즐기고 느끼는 쉼을 주는 친구. 曰: ‘이 순간을 느끼고 즐기는 거야!’
- 진주돼지: 뚝딱 페어링한 음식을 만들어 주는 잘먹고 잘마시는 친구. 曰: ‘널 위해 준비했어’
- 프린스: 꿈속에 나온 럭키 황금 물고기. 曰: ‘걱정마, 잘될거니까’
- 포인팅 독: 하고 싶은 말을 해주는 친구 曰: ‘그게 너라고’
C Art will hold Shiny Young's first solo exhibition [PLAYGROUND] in a quiet space in Naegok-dong.
For Shiny Young, art is a play with imaginary friends who will fill and comfort one's shortcomings and difficulties in reality. We invite you to this exhibition, which contains daily stories told by characters with unique and warm emotions created by the artist.
This exhibition is a private lounge concept where you can meet art in a country house with nature. I look forward to a leisurely meeting with refreshments at the end of Seoul.
Eating well and resting well, saying what you want to say, playing like a child, peace of mind, happy daily life..
Things that I always want but don't get my way. However, even if these things are actually difficult, it is possible in your imagination with your hero friends in your heart. Shiny Young has been spending time comforting her own hero friends. Just as she is gaining strength from the words our friends say to us. The exhibition presents the cute and lovely talented friends created by Shiny Young to the world with the hope that they will help those who need comfort and support in their frustrating and difficult daily lives.
They are hero friends in the artist’s heart who show up whenever they are tired and have a hard time in their daily lives to help them think positively and play together in search of peace of mind or small joy.
- Mask Boy: A cute little boy who gets energized by wearing a mask. This friend has the ability to summon happy memories. : 'Let's have fun!’
- Blue Mask: Hero version of mask boy. Can fly with balloon ears. A friend who lets me play in my imagination. : What do you want to do?’
- General: Friend who always swears praise and loyalty. : 'Good job!' 'You're the best!’
- Wang Nooni: A rest-giving friend who enjoys and feels peace and stability in everyday life. : 'Feel this moment and enjoy it!’
- Pearl Pig: A well-fed, well-drinking friend who makes a quick-paired meal. : 'I prepared it for you'
- Prince: Lucky golden fish in a dream. : 'Don't worry, it'll work out.'
- Pointing Dog: Friend who says what he wants to say. : 'That's you'

![[PLAYGROUND] Exhibition Installation view, Shinny Young’s artworks 4.jpeg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2d7543_3ae751dce4344dfc9a6b905a03a0cf7b~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_312,h_312,q_75/2d7543_3ae751dce4344dfc9a6b905a03a0cf7b~mv2.jpeg)

![[PLAYGROUND] Exhibition Installation view, Shinny Young’s artworks 13.jpeg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2d7543_549cc7cec95a49a3afb864b0ceb624e6~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_313,h_312,q_75/2d7543_549cc7cec95a49a3afb864b0ceb624e6~mv2.jpeg)

![[PLAYGROUND] Exhibition Installation view, Shinny Young’s artworks 9.jpeg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2d7543_347cddcbc89346e3aeef9e7cf0dec54d~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_313,h_312,q_75/2d7543_347cddcbc89346e3aeef9e7cf0dec54d~mv2.jpeg)
![[PLAYGROUND] Exhibition Installation view, Shinny Young’s artworks 14.jpeg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2d7543_fd114063ebb24906afd1910bdc69959d~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_312,h_312,q_75/2d7543_fd114063ebb24906afd1910bdc69959d~mv2.jpeg)
[PLAYGROUND] Exhibition Installation view, Shiny Young’s artworks